TOKYO BLUE - Moooi & Arte (NL & B)

The collaboration between Arte and Moooi, the brand by the Dutch designer Marcel Wanders, continued in a new collection Tokyo Blue.
One of the products is a embroidered denim Indigo Macaque. We received some sample material to search for the right way to paperback this product and accordingly trim it. What sounds so simple is actualy one of the most difficult tasks our factory ever had to do!

Indigo Macaque  Copper on the wall and Ivory as cushions.

Detail of the embroidered Indigo Macaque Copper.

Indigo Macaque Ivory.

We also provided the new accent print Rendezvous for this collection, using the same soft touch production technique as we did for Menagerie of Extict Animals.

Rendez-Vous detail.

Rendez-Vous in color Cashmere.

Rendez-Vous colorways.

All pictures property of Arte International.