SILK ROAD GARDEN - Arte International (B)

Arte showed me artwork they wanted to use for paneling. I was blown away by the colors and quality of the drawing. For sure, this could not be reproduced as 'just a print'. No, this design needed to become a product far above that standard.

Silk Road Garden from the Expedition Collection.

For me it was clear we needed real textile. I had this polysilk in my archive and asked the weaver if he could do a version with less wefts in order to obtain an open-weave structure. I added goldfoil and that was when the pattern really came to life!

The tricky part in making panels is to decide where you are going to have a seam. Ofcourse, at first one seam ended up right trough the tigers head. So a lot of scrolling and copy-paste was needed to have these huge files ready to be produced.

Arte decided on making 2 versions, one with and one without the Bengal Tiger. Obviously, Silk Road Garden a very extravagant design. You either like it or you don't.
But for me, that is not the issue. My job is to listen to the artwork and understand what it needs to become a beautifull product.

All pictures property of Arte International.